• Breaking News


    Thursday, February 4, 2021

    Xiaomi We recently soft launched a e-commerce store based out of Toronto, Canada that sells xiaomi and xiaomi ecosystem products. Can you give us some feedback?

    Xiaomi We recently soft launched a e-commerce store based out of Toronto, Canada that sells xiaomi and xiaomi ecosystem products. Can you give us some feedback?

    We recently soft launched a e-commerce store based out of Toronto, Canada that sells xiaomi and xiaomi ecosystem products. Can you give us some feedback?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 06:58 PM PST

    Hello all!

    Our warehouse(my basement) is in Toronto and our whole operation from marketing to customer support is also local in Toronto as well. We provide a 1 year warranty on all products.

    It's a small operation of 3 people and our goal is to allow folks in Canada to have access to authentic, quality, low priced items that xiaomi has to offer.

    We are in the process of expanding to phones as well, but wanted to start off with innovative modern home tech products first. We noticed there is a strong demand for these type of products here but most people are turned off by the lack of available channels to purchase, the question of authenticity and lack of warranty/support.

    All feedback is appreciated and thanks in advance.


    submitted by /u/dxiao
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    Could anyone help me verify if my powerbank is legit?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 03:11 AM PST

    [Exclusive] Mi 11 global prices revealed ahead of February 8th launch.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:59 PM PST

    Problems with my Redmi Note 9S

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 02:10 PM PST

    Hello, I have been experiencing some issues lately regarding my phone, two problems in specific.

    1.- the upper speaker (the one used to lhear during calls) stopped working for no apparent reason, it has not gotten wet, I have not dropped it, so although it is possible I doubt that it is some hardware issue

    2.- I can't get the wifi to work properly, it is extremely slow on my phone. The problem is not the internet itself, on my computer the internet is great, but I can't have a stable connection on my phone.

    I have heard that sometimes Xiaomi updates usually bring problems of this type, and since both problems appeared at the same time, I assume that it is possible that they are due to the same cause. My phone was automatically updated to the MIUI global 12.0.3 version and I think it was since that update that it has had problems.

    thanks in advance for the help

    submitted by /u/Chainis_
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    How can I change the font of the clock to the one that is on the wallpaper preview (left)?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:04 AM PST

    redmi 9c mi file manager battery drain

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:14 PM PST

    it drains so much battery even though i haven't used it not even once. device is running miui 12.0.10 if that helps.


    submitted by /u/nuclearmalice69xix
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    Mi 10T pro call quality issue / question

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:42 PM PST

    Hi guys... I have a mi9se global 2019 model... Reason I say this is because my phone has Mi Dialler app as the native call app. Call quality on my phone is perfect. Speaker phone... Earpiece... Headphones you name it is perfect.

    I bought my wife a Mi10T pro however, which has the Google dialler instead... Google dialler sucks bigg peepee. It's ugly and clunky in my opinion.. but what's worse is - the actual call quality.. talking to her the calls sound muffled, noise cancellation filtration is bad.. it lets wind in .. her voice jumbles up, the EQ is off (bass is waaaay too high sounds like speaking through a wah wah pedal)

    And even worse when she's on speaker phone like speaker phone sucks on this phone! I'm 99% certain this isn't hardware related as the mi10t pro is a "flagship" phone I'm SURE it's the Google dialler ...

    My question is... Is there a simple way to mitigate this? What's involved? Do you guys think it will improve with miui12.5? Does anyone else experience these issues with their phones?

    Constructive comments only if that's okay..

    submitted by /u/PeddlinPete85
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    Xiaomi phone recommendation/bugs

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:33 PM PST

    I've had xiaomi phones in the past then moved away and then brought another last year to see what's changed. There were still a few bugs that have been there for a long time that seem like they haven't been resolved.

    Two of the main issues I was having was not all notifications were coming through for eg WhatsApp notifications will either be delayed or show when I open the app which was frustrating.

    The other main one was DND (do not disturb) mode, when activated it still showed the notifications all it did was silence them. I wanted it so it also hides all notifications like it does on Samsung.

    Because of all these bugs I ended up selling the phone and said to myself that I won't get another xiaomi until these bugs are resolved.

    I want to know if these bugs still exist or if there are any other bugs to be aware of that people are experiencing. As I've seen some posts where people are still having certain issues.

    If these bugs are resolved then I'm looking to get either mi 10 ultra, mi 10t pro or mi 11. If anyone has these phones and care share their experience on what they like and don't like about the phones.

    I'm swaying more towards the mi 10 ultra so would help if people can share some info on the phone.

    I want a phone that can get really good sot. I know it depends on people's usage so will differ but I've seen some for the mi 10 ultra where people are getting between 5-7 hours sot. Was hoping for a but more like at least 8+.

    I was so close to getting a p40 pro or mate 40 pro but without it having Google services it stopped me. I know u can put it on the phone but not sure if it causes any issues when using certain apps that require Google services.

    Either looking to get one of the above phones or a galaxy s20 plus.

    submitted by /u/techarena10
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    Is it possible that I may have damaged my fingerprint scanner?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 05:39 PM PST

    So last year, when Covid was like a bigger deal than now, I used to sanitise my phone with either alcohol or alcohol-water solution. And then just recently, I noticed that sometimes my fingerprint scanner doesn't recognize my finger anymore. Did I damaged it?

    Note that: 1. Yes, I sprayed the solution on the cloth, not on the phone directly. 2. Yes, I have registered my index finger multiple times. (says so it reads them better)

    submitted by /u/seansean121
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    Mi A3 factory reset.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:16 PM PST

    My one year old Mi A3 was having some issues for a couple of weeks since the update. It rebooted itself twice at that time and the power button looked like it was damaged.

    Something weird happened yesterday. My Mobile auto reset itself overnight and when I woke up I had to sign in all my details again. I did not lose all my data but can anyone help me know what just happened with my phone?

    submitted by /u/animeshak
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    Apply super wallpaper on nova launcher?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:45 PM PST

    Any way to do this? I want to Use super wallpaper on nova launcher.

    submitted by /u/Suspicious_Reporter4
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    Muting one particular app and just one.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 06:43 PM PST

    I know Samsung has one of those apps. It's there A N Y way I could make anything slightly close to that on a Xiaomi RN7? Yeah, sadly this target app has no "mute" button. (otherwise I wouldnt be at a forum at 11pm).

    I heard about Hand on but... Didn't find anything solid (I guess) Those another apps like Volume Control which has awful reviews I already tried it

    I have faith in Tasker tho And here y I'm not a pro at programing nor anything but listen Wouldn't have like a line that makes the app, when opened be muted but only that one? A line like this it's kinda hard for me (and I'm tired, I'm searching ok this for hours) but maybe some1 out there could know a way of not muting the wholepl phone on tasker, only this app.

    submitted by /u/Jav3ra
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    Any thirdparty website for Mi Watch Lite skins?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 02:51 PM PST

    I had a mi band 4 and used to download lots of skins from https://amazfitwatchfaces.com/ but there is none for the mi watch lite there... I wonder if there´s some other website like that for the mi watch lite somewhere...


    submitted by /u/badjano
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    My Grandma ends calls or puts me on hold all the time - better dialer app?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:47 AM PST

    My Grandma uses my old RN4X but there is a big problem: She constantly either ends a call or puts someone on hold, which is slightly annoying. I guess this happens because she presses the phone to her head and her cheeks push the buttons to do that.

    Besides telling her "you hold it wrong", is there anything that can be set in MIUI to prevent this, or is there maybe a different dialer app that gets rid of all those buttons and only has a "cancel call" button?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/egudu
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    After almost an hour of watching videos and scrolling through Social Media, battery life is staying strong at 100%

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:20 AM PST

    ¿How's MIUI going on Redmi Note 8?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 06:02 PM PST

    I haven't updated from MIUI 11 fearing that 12 would scramble up things heavily, so how's been update going on with it. Should I even wait for 12.5 to come out and see how it goes? What do you recommend?

    submitted by /u/Jhosscryte
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    Haylou GT2 Mic Issue

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 05:38 PM PST

    Hi guys.

    I got issue with mic on my GT2 during connected to PC.

    When connect to both earbuds, the mic is not working but if only connect to only right or left, the mic is working fine.

    I connected both to my android for calls and its working fine.

    What have I done so far,

    • Factory reset (many times)
    • Connect right and left separately

    Any inputs are appreciated, thanks!

    submitted by /u/d4rk_m4n
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    How do I remove the stickfigure icon on the right?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:02 AM PST

    I need your help to safely downgrade Android 11 to 10

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:09 PM PST

    I am not so happy with the Android 11 update on my Redmi Note 9S, so I want to go back even to MIUI 11 with Android 10. After backing up my device, next thing I should do is to unlock the bootloader. So I am in dilemma now. I want to have a locked bootloader after flashing it. Should I select and is it safe to select "clean all and lock" option in Mi Flash tool?

    submitted by /u/androidboy3
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    Is there a way to show ALL notifications on MIUI lockscreen??

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 03:43 PM PST

    I couldn't really express my question on the title, but when i get more then 4 notifications on my lockscreen only the 4 most recent ones show up and if i want to see the rest of them i need to swipe these 4 off the screen. On IOS and Android i could just scroll down but that's not the case here.

    it's a really tiny detail, but it's quite annoying!! i would really like to know if there's any solution to this

    submitted by /u/estevao_u
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    Some voice notifications on Mi Robot Vacuum don't work

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:44 AM PST

    I bought a Mi Robot Vacuum Mop Essential a few weeks ago, and all good until today, I noticed the robot doesn't speak all the notifications, like dust compartment removed etc. But for example the locate robot or voice volume adjustment work, as it confirms those. Anyone know what could be wrong? I tried other voice packs also.

    submitted by /u/snrhnd
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    Redmi note 8 pro Miui

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:12 AM PST

    I used to have my phone with miui 11 though the miui 12 has arrived for a while but I didn't have intention to update till 3 days ago.. I updated to miui and now I regret.. with the old update I used to have 3.5 to 3 of 6 gigs of ram.. now I only have 3 to 2.5 available ram as a result the phone aggressively kills background apps.. with that said my opinion about android update making things worth hasn't changed. you can't have a cheap device with a powerful support, gradually every update making your phone slower.. if you want to enjoy android and powerful long term support by a flagship.

    submitted by /u/ArafaMahmoud
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    Xiaomi mi 10t pro - Why my estimated capacity is 5339mh

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 02:07 PM PST

    Can´t upload files from wifi on xiaomi Redmi 9A

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 01:53 PM PST

    Hi, my mother bought a xiaomi Redmi 9A and everytime she upload a file from the phone the file is not uploaded. For example i cant make a backup from whatsapp to google drive, send a mail with attached file, or upload anything on Drive. Something strange is that when i start to upload something in drive the phone shows a notification which says "Syncing items, Drive is syncing your files and folders". Something similar happens when i try to send an email with an attached file and shos a notification fo Gmail saying "Syncing mail..." but in never ends. When i swtich the wifi to LTE and 4g i can upload files on drive and gmail, so the problem is the wifi (at least i suppose that).

    I hope anybody could help me to solve this.

    Regards and sorry for my english.

    submitted by /u/Shaka_uy
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