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    Friday, January 17, 2020

    Home Networking Losing internet

    Home Networking Losing internet

    Losing internet

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 04:50 PM PST

    So I recently moved into a new house and the only internet around me is century link. I'm consistently getting around 40mbps internet speeds. However when I try and do downloads on steam or stream gameplay on twitch my internet speed plummets. As soon as I start streaming my internet speed goes from 40 mbps to around .2mbps. I have tried restoring my router/modem several times and have not gotten anything to work. I am connected directly to the modem via Ethernet. When i try and stream the internet gets really slow in the whole house. I contacted my internet provider and they said that there seems to be nothing wrong on their end and they do not limit my internet usage. The modem that I have is a combo modem/router that I purchased when I got their internet service and my last idea is to get a new (better) modem and router.

    submitted by /u/-phil-swift-
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    YSK: You can pipe data from a remote system into Wireshark in order to monitor remote interfaces

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 11:06 PM PST

    In case you missed it, the following video dropped this week:

    Lawrence Systems - Remote Real Time Packet Capture With Wireshark and pfsense

    In it, it is explained that Wireshark can pull in real time tcpdump data from stdin as well as directly from an interface or file, effectively meaning you can monitor remote interfaces if you run tcpdump on a secondary system and pipe the output back to your PC via ncat or SSH say.

    The video uses a mac to run Wireshark so the exact commands he uses won't work on Windows but I've been using something akin to:

    plink.exe -batch -i "mypubkey.ppk" admin@ "sudo tcpdump -ni eth1 -s 0 -w - not port 22" | "C:\Program Files\Wireshark\Wireshark.exe" -k -i - 

    It's working like a charm for me, reading tcpdump data from my little Ubiquiti Edge Router, and making checking out what things like IOT devices are trying to do a breeze.

    Anyway, throwing it out there in case it had never occurred to any others. Super useful.

    submitted by /u/zfa
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    WiFi Coverage Setting

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 01:57 PM PST

    On my router I have a WiFi Coverage setting (Min, Mid ,Max).

    Does changing this affect the performance in any way or does it simply affect the power consumed to broadcast different distances?

    submitted by /u/Spoolinx86
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    Technicolor XB6 (CGM4140COM) Modem restarts/drops internet connection from all devices when my brand new laptop is turned on

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 06:00 PM PST

    Edit: Modem is rented from Rogers Canada

    Every time my new Asus laptop connects to my wifi, the modem will time out/disconnect all devices and restart completely.

    I've tried multiple things on my computer to try and solve this such as;

    -updating drivers on wifi adapter

    -uninstalling and reinstalling all drivers for wifi connectors

    -disabling IPv6 for a while (the modem said it had IPv6 forward drops around the time it would reset, this didn't solve anything though)

    Any suggestions on what is causing this? Or how i could fix it?

    submitted by /u/UnseenDegree
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    Can't drill holes, mesh network or WAP?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:30 PM PST

    I live in an apartment where the landlord has forbid us from drilling holes in the walls. This means I can't hang up artwork, but more importantly, it means I can't run a cable across the apartment (where the router is) to my room.

    I've been reading about mesh networks and it seems cool but they are very expensive. Also, I'm not too concerned with automatically selecting the strongest signal because the other side of the apartment I never go to.

    I already have a Netgear repeater but it isn't very strong and ideally I'd be able to have the lowest latency possible for gaming.

    So the question remains: how can I boost my signal across the apartment without running cables or drilling holes?

    submitted by /u/Sorgrum
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    Does a computer need specific hardware (other than an USB port) in order to use a wifi dongle ?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:45 AM PST

    Mom needs to move her PC (tower, ~7 years old) in a room with no ethernet wires, can I just go with a wifi dongle "blindly" ?

    I guess I'll just install the drivers needed (Win7), but I was wondering first if I need to check anything about the motherboard

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/Lge24
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    Best, simplest way to securely connect into my own home network remotely?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:31 AM PST

    What's the best performing yet simplest way to connect to my home network while away from home?

    Currently I have a Pi3+ with PiVPN on it that uses OpenVPN. I connect from my phone or my laptop and they operate basically like being on the home WiFi. But I wonder if there is a better way? I also have an always on Windows 10 machine in my network.

    I'm wondering mainly if there's something simpler? And faster? I rarely change phone or laptop so forget how it's setup and have to re-google what I did every time I add a device. It also feels a bit clunky generating certificates and getting them off the Pi, and I'm sure it's also slow, but that's probably because it's a Pi3.

    Any suggestions? Something with a web UI that's idiot and forgetfulness proof would be nice.

    submitted by /u/Skeeter1020
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    Opened port but no luck...

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:12 PM PST

    My home network is

    Google Mesh Network:

    My Machine has a static ip:

    on the google wifi app i have set up my port forwarding to my Machine ip and 3000 -> 3000 TCP.

    On windows firewall advanced settings I have added incoming and outgoing rules for port 3000.

    Now when I head to https://canyouseeme.org/ and type in my port. It is not able to see my service.

    What I've Tried so far:

    Called my ISP - they are not blocking my port

    There is no 2 router situation in my network. (The ISP is a router and modem but i have disabled the router and made Google Nest my main).

    Any help is appreciated, I've been stuck on this for multiple days scratching my head...


    Alright I have solved the problem....using powershell
    New-NetFirewallRule -Name "Node Rule (in)" -Description "Allows inbound traffic for node on port 3000" -DisplayName "Node_3000" -Enabled:True -Profile Private -Direction Inbound -Action Allow -Protocol TCP -LocalPort 3000

    submitted by /u/hassie1
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    Segregating Parallel’s VM From Host

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:20 PM PST

    Sorry if this is a stupid question. Going to use personal computer at work, want to isolate the VM as much as possible, if not completely, from the host. I've got the "isolate from host" option checked off in the VM settings, so my last concern is the network connection, unless there's something else I am overlooking in this process..? Anyhow, it will be connected at the office via WiFi. Is my best bet here to just not connect the host to the WiFi and instead just connect to WiFi once inside of the VM? From some of the research I've done, I've only seen a few things about configuring the firewall. Is that a better course of action than my initial inclination? If so, what exactly am I looking to do exactly in that configuration process?

    submitted by /u/samadhi_skeez
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    ubuntu DNS randomly died

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:18 PM PST

    I have an ubuntu server at home and the wired internet on it died all of a sudden. I can ping but I cant ping any url so looks like my DNS isn't working. Every other computer on my home network works just fine. I can access my router (RAX80) from the ubuntu server. It has the same ip as before, using the router as a DNS, the router setup with DNS - literally NOTHING changed from months ago.

    I'm at a complete loss. Googling gives me something abouta resolv.conf file but that doesn't exist. I'm on ubuntu 19.04. I've restarted, turned off/on the eth0, deleted my network profile and checked everything again. what else is there??? please help

    submitted by /u/audiodev
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    How to connect to apartment Ethernet ports?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 07:33 PM PST

    I have an Ethernet port in every room. I found the panel that everything is connected to. I'm sure things worked in the past because I found a small dead switch in the panel when I opened it (it doesn't turn on).

    Currently I have a cable modem connected to a router. I'm not sure what to connect to the router to get connectivity. I've pretty much tried every single Ethernet port in this panel but I've failed to get any connectivity. It's almost like the power doesn't work in this panel.

    All the white wires at the top are Cat 5e, so I assume the left area where the white wires run to is what I care about. This side has 1 Ethernet port and 1 teleport port. The right side side has 7 Ethernet ports, with the top labeled Input. But again, nothing seems to work. Any suggestions? Also could anyone else the difference between the left side (where all the white cables run to) versus the right side (where the blue cables leave from)?


    submitted by /u/brik94
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    TP-Link Archer Wi-Fi routers naming scheme (A vs C series)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 03:45 PM PST

    What is the logic behind the naming scheme ?

    A5 vs C5

    A6 vs C6

    A7 vs C7

    A9 vs C9


    C5 vs c50

    C6 vs c60

    C9 vs c90

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/sekibe
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    Minimum VLAN Hardware Needed?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 03:28 PM PST

    I have a non-vlan capable router and a managed switch currently at home and wanted to add vlans to isolate traffic, mainly IoT, Google Homes, Nest, etc.

    Before I start this project and fool with my network, I tried to do research and everyone seems to say you need a vlan capable router. When they say this they seem to indicate the vlans can't talk to each other without one. If I don't want any cross vlan traffic, do I really need anything besides the switch?

    I currently take 3 online classes for my BAS and really don't want my network wonky or inaccessible for periods just to find out I need that router which I would prefer not to invest in yet if I do not have to.

    Thank you for any responses.

    submitted by /u/datacereal
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    Looking for a good router for home use, Deco M5 or Nighthawk R6700?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 02:37 PM PST

    Both have good reviews but the Deco comes with 3 units and is both a router and a mesh network.
    I just need Wifi in my 1259 sqft home (1 floor) and an upgrade from the shitty ISP router I currently have (SAGEMCOM FAST3686).
    My budget isn't that big but I am willing to invest the extra money in the Deco M5 because it is a mesh network.

    I am also limited by what can be shipped to my country. Routers are expensive as hell in my country so I am looking to buy one from Amazon US.

    submitted by /u/etay080
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    Actiontec MoCA Adapter vs Verizon Network Adapter?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:44 AM PST

    I'm a Verizon FiOS customer who is about to move into a 3 story townhouse. I have their triple service (Internet, TV, and phone) with gigabit internet. My ONT is on the middle level, I plan on connecting my existing Quantum Gateway router right next to it, and nearly the entire house is wired with coax cabling and has coax outlets in most rooms.

    My question is what is the best MoCA adapter for me to buy? I'd like to wire 3 devices via MoCA adapter to Ethernet input, those devices being my desktop (downstairs), our bedroom TV (upstairs), and SO's computer (upstairs). So far I've looked at the Actiontec 2.0 bonded, Motorola 2.0 bonded, and the Verizon Network Adapter which appears to have 4 LAN ports. Thanks for advice!

    submitted by /u/ChillyCity
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    Eero network - printer issue

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 01:34 PM PST

    Hey y'all!!

    Little bit of a conundrum here... when I set my connection as bridge I am able to wireless(ly) print but when set my connection to automatic I can't. I can see that the printer is connected to my network but for some reason I can't send anything to it.

    I am new to all this... do you all know what's going on here. Also the above setting is under DHCP & NAT menu. The options under this are:

    Automatic Bridge Manual IP


    submitted by /u/PakiFanatic
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    On a home network, is it possible to forward HTTP (port 80) traffic to different internal machines, based on the requested domain or subdomain? In other words, can various internal machines be accessed from the outside without having to specify an external port?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 01:13 PM PST

    Right now the only way I know is to make the request via different ports, for example:

    dev.mydomain.com ext. port 80 (default HTTP) (PC)
    nas.mydomain.com:8080 ext. port 8080 (NAS)
    raspi.mydomain.com:8031 ext. port 8031 (rPi)

    Is there a way to tell the router to forward traffic to different machines on the home network based on the domain being requested? It's a NETGEAR router running Tomato USB with Advanced Tomato.

    Alternatively, can I enroll one of the internal servers, for example the Raspberry Pi, to receive all port 80 traffic and redirect or forward or otherwise act a as a proxy to route traffic to the appropriate machines? I have Apache 2.4 running on the Raspberry, as well as NGINX running on the router.

    submitted by /u/FlixFlix
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    Suggestions For New Router

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:57 AM PST

    Hey everyone. I'm looking for a good router for my home. I don't know much about tech so I'm hoping someone can help me.

    My house is an 1100 square foot ranch-style home and the modem is located in the basement. We want the router to have 8 ethernet ports, if possible. Plugged into our current router are an amazon fire stick, a laptop, an xbox, and a desktop computer. We use the wi-fi on 2 nintendo switches, 1 laptop, 2 tablets, and 3 cell phones. Not all of this runs at the same time but I wanted you to get an idea as to what we use the router for. When family comes over, which happens often, we could have 3 more cell phones and 1 more nintendo switch added to the wi-fi.

    My dad is wondering if a "gaming router" is what we need. I have no idea what the difference is between a gaming router and other routers. I've read on this sub that "gaming router" is a gimmick that increases the price tag?

    As for my price point, I'm not too concerned with the amount I have to pay as long as I get the right device to handle our needs.

    submitted by /u/RageOwl
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    What to expect from my DSL provider in terms of latency/jitter/stability? Bonus question about AT&T availability expansion. TL;DR included

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 04:38 PM PST

    I enjoy ping reliant games but have been cursed with poor internet options. Some insight on my options might be would be appreciated.

    DSL is my only option aside from satellite internet. The local DSL company has max offered speeds of 50mbps for $150, currently paying around $130 for 35mbps with a static IP for port forwarding.

    Ethernet cable straight from the router into my PC, with no other devices connected to the router aside from 3 cellphones, which 2 are hardly home. The speeds I pay for are almost never realized unless its 2am-10am, after these hours it becomes wildly unstable and impossible to play first person shooters or any game reliant on ping/stability. I couldn't care much less about the actual bandwidth, I care a ton about latency/stability.

    After recently upgrading to 35mbps and not receiving any increase (even at 2am) for almost 2 weeks, I decided to put myself through the pain of continuously calling them hoping I could at least have it on the occasional late nights. After around the fourth ticket, they put me on a "new tower" and my connection was fantastic. I received my paid for 35mbps, had little packet loss/small jitter, pings to google/speedtest remained mostly around 8-11ms throughout an entire weekend. This was only for a few days, now it's exactly how it was before. Ping to google jumps from 12-30ms, 5-10% packet loss in games, 10-20ms jitter noted on speedtest with varying speeds, except now it's occurring in off hours as well.

    I realized that I live directly on the cut off for AT&T "cable" internet. Everyone across the street from me and beyond has AT&T cable internet availability, with speeds starting at 50mbps going up to 100mbps, allegedly. However, I've read getting ISPs to expand service can be costly, $5,000 to $500,000 (insane), and I'm not even entirely sure if it's actual cable. Lagreport for my area shows a high score for AT&T, terrible score for current DSL, but I don't know if my area of town would be the lower end of the average. Would it be worth my time/effort to get an estimate on AT&T expanding service to my street? Should I expect better out of my DSL company and keep calling?

    TL;DR –

    1. Prefer low latency over high bandwidth, possible with DSL?

    2. DSL connection is generally unstable, is AT&T worth getting an estimate for the price to receive service availability? Or should I pester current DSL customer service?

    3. Is it unlikely the price would be reasonable to expand, even for simply crossing the street? I understand it wouldn't be easy/cheap, but if the chances are high that it'd be over $50k, I'd sooner move houses.

    4. If I were to end up receiving cable internet service, would I still expect to be dealing with 10-20ms jitter, 5-10% packet loss, and unstable speeds that I'm getting with DSL?

    submitted by /u/SoggyForest
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    R7000 IP Conflict

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 04:33 PM PST


    I'm trying to disable the DNS server on my R7000 running firmware version V1.0.9.88_10.2.88 to use PiHole's DNS server. When I try to disable it though, I get a message saying "The IP address conflicts with the WAN IP subnet. Please enter a different IP address." Unchecking the "Use router as DNS server" checkbox is the only change I'm making to the settings.

    The LAN and WAN settings are defaults besides the PiHole being the only DNS. Here they are:

    Public IP: 63.167.aa.aaa

    IP Subnet Mask: 255.255.bbb.b

    Gateway IP: 73.167.cc.c

    Primary DNS:

    Secondary DNS: Blank

    Router IP:

    IP Subnet Mask: 255.255.ddd.d

    DNS server settings:



    Thank you all for any guidance you can give. Sorry I'm a bit of a noob as you can probably tell by my not knowing what information to protect here lol.

    submitted by /u/Azorult
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    Having an issue from modem to switch

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 12:41 PM PST

    Hey all, new to this page, hoping somebody would know what to do as I feel that I have exhausted all of what I know to do.

    So I recently decided to bring internet to my downstairs living room. There are 2 ports there which run to a network box in my garage. From that box, there is a cable that runs up to my office, which has one port and also has the modem where my service enters my home.

    So essentially my setup is this: In the office, internet on coax to modem (Netgear C3700) => cat 5e cable from modem to port => cat5e cable from port to network box, where it connects to a 5 port switch (TP-Link SG105) => from the switch, two cables go to the living room.

    My issue is that I get link lights on the switch from the 2 ports in the living room, but a very slowly blinking green light from the modem. I checked all connections and even wiremapped each one and they all seem to be good. What gives? I've got into my network settings and checked my modem settings and I just can't seem to figure it out.

    EDIT: Found something finally! The jack in the wall that plugs up to the modem has a busted up pin. I'm going to replace the jack and hopefully that fixes things.

    submitted by /u/Grove-Knight
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    beginner softball question - switch or more cables to media room?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 12:41 PM PST

    I am planning on wiring my home. Our family room has at least 3 devices (TV,Xbox,A/V Receiver) that need wiring. I planned on buying one larger switch for our basement and running cable to everything. However, rather than run 3 separate cables for 30-40ft to that space, do I have loss to strength by running one cable to the room and buying another small switch for only that room (cabinet with all the media devices)?

    submitted by /u/BravaCentauri11
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    Contemplating Eero Pro’s vs. New Ubiquiti Setup

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 04:23 PM PST

    I am thinking over and pricing out some different network setups for the new place I am moving into in a few weeks. The home does not have Ethernet run throughout, and since it is a rental, I can't run ethernet throughout. However, most rooms have a coax hook up somewhere. Currently, I have narrowed my choices down to:

    Eero Pro 3-Pack - $399-499

    PROS: Easy to setup | Low maintanence | Cheaper than a full Ubiquiti set up | Can plug my PC directly into one of the nodes | Possibly more coverage using 3 nodes

    CONS: Wifi speed not as fast | Locked into eero for expanding | Not as configurable / dumbed down

    Unifi APnano x2 | Unifi Switch8 | Unifi Gateway | MoCA 2.0 2-Pack - Around $680

    PROS: "Prosumer" grade equipment | Faster wifi throughput | Expandable | Very configurable

    CONS: COST! | Speeds and latency might be effected with MoCA in line | Might have to tinker more | Only 2 nodes (if the coverage through walls is good this doesn't matter) | Would need another switch to plug PC directly in

    I am leaning more towards Eero at the moment, mainly because cost, but also because I can get the MoCA down the line and use a MoCA hardwired backline for them as well, if needed. I recently set one up at someones house and was amazed at house easy setup is and how good the speeds I was getting were.

    However, the power of the Ubiquiti is keeping me from pulling the trigger. In a perfect world, the house would be wired with ethernet, and I could shave off $140 and be done with it, but this is the dilemma I'm in.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/SgtRootCanal
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    Network design / architecture for hosting websites while keeping LAN safe. FIOS (no tv)

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 11:41 AM PST

    TLDR; I have fios internet (no tv) and would like to host a website while keeping my home LAN separate and secure.

    Current layout:

    • Fios 100/100 Internet ONLY (no Tv or phone)
    • ONT to Actiontec router via coax
    • Actiontec as DHCP, primary router. (but wifi turned off)
    • connected to 24 port switch that feeds the rest of the house
    • Wifi access point plugged into Actiontec

    Usage is moderate. 2 users. Netflix and/or streaming tv most evenings but not a ton of devices pulling down a lot of bandwidth at once. Line is only 100/100.

    Internet facing websites would be relatively basic and not get a ton of traffic.


    I would like to expose a server to the internet while keeping my LAN separate and safe.

    I am a developer not a sysadmin/networking guy, so this should not require a large initial configuration learning curve or constant maintenance. I am leaning towards IPFire or Sophos for this reason over pfsense. I know there is a lot you can do with VLANs and software defined networking now, but I think thats over my head for the time being.

    Specific requirements:

    Home LAN with internet access

    • not (directly) open to intrusion from outside internet
    • "dev" VM/Docker host
    • normal home internet stuff
    • would like some kind of firewall protection, intrusion detection, etc

    Secure Internet facing network (DMZ?)

    • if compromised a hacker cannot access LAN machines, fileshares etc
    • "production" VM/Docker host for hosting websites/ web apps (wordpress, etc)
    • able to use a domain name
    • can be accessed securely from the home lan to copy files / deploy apps
    • firewall protection, intrusion detection, logging etc

    Nice to haves

    • able to use multiple domain names to point to different VMs or docker containers
    • guest wifi with no access to main network
    • would prefer to keep ONT Coax to Actiontec. Running cat5 is possible but not easy

    My ideas, probably incomplete: Would like to hear feedback, or other better ideas

    referencing http://www.dslreports.com/faq/verizonfios/3.1_General_Networking

    Option 1: based on #4: bridge the actiontec, feed the internet connection from that to a ipfire firewall.

    Use different zones for each network.

    LAN zone feeds a switch and wireless AP and the rest of the home network.

    DMZ zone feeds to a reverse proxy and a VM/Docker host. (can reverse proxy be in the firewall?)

    Option 2: based on #2: use the built in DMZ function of the actiontec router.

    DMZ for internet facing, lan for local. DMZ feeds to reverse proxy and VM docker host. (should I have a firewall in this zone?)

    Lan feeds to a ipfire firewall and then to the wireless AP and the rest of the home network

    Would love to hear about other options or any other ideas.


    submitted by /u/Elgorey
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    Looking for some router recommendations

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 11:10 AM PST

    To start off I've got a few things I'm trying to do. I want to A make the router purely an internet-less lan / wlan setup that i'd like to run some kind of WRT distro on though I'm not too overly picky about that.

    I work at bestbuy meaning I get the discount though again i'm not too picky about that.

    The main usage i'm going to have is mainly routing my plex server and steamlink through it to free up some traffic on my parents end though I'm planning on keeping said router for when I move out and get a proper internet setup. With all of that in mind I'm open to recommendations

    submitted by /u/kenshen
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