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    Friday, January 17, 2020

    Blogpost Friday! Networking

    Blogpost Friday! Networking

    Blogpost Friday!

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 04:04 PM PST

    It's Read-only Friday! It is time to put your feet up, pour a nice dram and look through some of our member's new and shiny blog posts

    Feel free to submit your blog post and as well a nice description to this thread.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Future of CWDM/DWDM

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:54 AM PST

    We use a mixture of CWDM and DWDM MUXing, with either 1 or 10G optics, some upwards of 80km.

    My questions is, what's the future of CWDM and or DWDM above 10G for 10km-80km distances?

    submitted by /u/ehren8879
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    Core switch reccomendation

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 04:06 AM PST


    I'm replacing our current network infrastructure and am in doubt about which switches to choose:

    - 2x 3810M (for redundancy)

    - or: 2x 6300M

    - or 2x 5406R

    These core switches will have uplinks for all other locations in the building(s):

    - 2x 2930F 48PoE Stack (Floor 2)

    - 2x 2930F 48PoE Stack (Floor 1)

    - 1x 2930F 48PoE Stack (Floor 0)

    - 2x 3810M 48PoE Stack (Floor -1) via FC or Stacking with the other 3810M

    + 6x other Switches from Alcatel with 48 PoE

    All switches/stacks will have redundant 10Gb connections.

    My dilema is wether the 3810M will be enough for all this in the long term (10+ years), or should i get better switches (5400/6300)? Or even some other even better switches?

    We might also conect our 3 servers (vmware) servers to the 3810M via 10Gb FC...

    This all looks a bit too heavy to me, connecting all these 10Gb FC uplinks to 3810M...

    What do you guys think?

    Anyone with the experience on these switches?


    submitted by /u/nomadewolf
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    Port scan with Networked HVAC Controllers

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 05:57 AM PST

    Hey everyone, I have an issue that none of the on-site engineers can figure out and hoping to get some new ideas to try.

    We have a bunch of HVAC controllers on a separate VLAN specifically for these devices. Every day, they go offline until we run a port scan with Angry IP. Vendor has made sure these devices never go to sleep, they are always active and I have verified the settings for myself. I know they dont sleep because the scheduled AC times still run and change even when we can get to the GUI and dont ping. Once we run the port scan, pings come back and the GUI is online.

    Does anyone have any ideas what may be happening here? Our network infrastructure team says its the vendors issue and the vendor says its the network teams issue and I cannot get anywhere. Thanks

    **Edit: thank you everyone for the replies. I'm not the network admin here, just a regular support tech so I'm going to take this info to my network admin and bounce some ideas off him and see where we get. I appreciate all the replies

    submitted by /u/bender-fender
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    Determining Analog Phone Line Purpose

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:07 AM PST


    This is all a little out of my wheelhouse so this may come off as stupid and as such, apologies in advance.


    Anyways, I was just handed an inventory list of a bunch of analog phone lines we're paying for. There's a variety of carriers that manage all these numbers. I'm needing to determine if there are some that aren't being used for anything so that we can cancel service. Most of these lines are likely used for elevator phones, pool phones, and fire alarms so I don't want to just nuke them all.


    Before I start the calling ten trillion people and having to prove my identity (since who the hell knows who is listed on these accounts) I wanted to know if there's a relatively easy way to determine if these lines are in use?


    I know dialing something like a pool phone likely wouldn't provide an answer. Also none of these lines are in the state I'm currently sitting in so I can't physically go out and determine anything.


    Any tips?

    submitted by /u/BrettHeineken
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    Cat 9400 as core/distro?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:57 AM PST

    Looking at options for a handful of new build outs which would go from roughly 150-200 users offices to 400 users offices. Currently running 9300s in those locations but really looking at 9400 (or maybe 9500s to replace them.

    Specific to the 9400, can anyone tell me if you go with the 2 x C9404R chassis and have a sup-1 in each chassis (running stackwise virtual) can you utilize all 16 x 10g uplinks? Reading the data sheets it looks like if you have 2 x supervisors in one chassis it disables half of the 10g uplinks on each card leaving 8 total vs 16. Also for an office with just users (200-300) and maybe 2 x ESXi servers (no server farm) requiring 4 x 10g ports I assume the 9400's would suffice?

    submitted by /u/heyitsdrew
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    Rancid - old config file overwrite - set retentions

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:32 AM PST

    I just installed and configured Rancid with ViewVC and it works fine.

    In case multiple config files for same device exist, what happens with old version, is it deleted or still exists, if it's still there, how to keep only newest one?,ie, how to delete old SVN revisions/history for device.

    I'm not sure how safe is to delete files older than X days in SVN path, i couldn't find any related settings in viewvc.conf/rancid,conf files

    submitted by /u/dragan979
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    Netflow on IOS

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 03:16 PM PST

    Hi I am having trouble with Netflow. We used to use simple netflow but since we went to this advanced config type, it has not worked. What am I missing? Router model: ISR4221 image: 16.9.4



    flow record NETFLOW

    match ipv4 tos

    match ipv4 protocol

    match ipv4 source address

    match ipv4 destination address

    match transport source-port

    match transport destination-port

    collect interface output

    collect counter bytes long

    collect counter packets long


    flow exporter y.y.y.y

    destination x.x.x.x

    source GigabitEthernet0/0/1.300

    transport udp 12007


    flow monitor NETFLOW

    exporter x.x.x.x

    record NETFLOW

    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1.300

    bandwidth 10000

    encapsulation dot1Q 300 native

    ip flow monitor NETFLOW input

    ip flow monitor NETFLOW output

    ip address x.x.x.x

    no ip redirects

    no ip proxy-arp

    ip ospf priority 0

    arp timeout 300

    service-policy output QOS-PARENT-OUT

    ROUTER#sho ip cache flow

    IP packet size distribution (0 total packets):

    1-32 64 96 128 160 192 224 256 288 320 352 384 416 448 480

    .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

    512 544 576 1024 1536 2048 2560 3072 3584 4096 4608

    .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

    IP Flow Switching Cache, 0 bytes

    0 active, 0 inactive, 0 added

    0 ager polls, 0 flow alloc failures

    Active flows timeout in 30 minutes

    Inactive flows timeout in 15 seconds

    last clearing of statistics never

    Protocol Total Flows Packets Bytes Packets Active(Sec) Idle(Sec)

    -------- Flows /Sec /Flow /Pkt /Sec /Flow /Flow

    SrcIf SrcIPaddress DstIf DstIPaddress Pr SrcP DstP Pkts

    submitted by /u/CaptDogPoo
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    How does a VLAN manage bandwidth on a larger network?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 04:26 PM PST

    I have a Media over IP system that needs to be installed in a larger office, last time it was attempted by another tech, it massively slowed the network down.

    My initial thought was to isolate all the devices related to the MoIP system on a VLAN to stop the system from broadcasting to the entire network.

    Does this seem like a good solution? If so, how exactly is bandwidth managed in a VLAN?

    submitted by /u/BrvteRS
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    Palo Alto Documents

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 09:05 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    has anyone some documents on palo alto stuff laying around somewhere? I'm currently on the Cisco Firepower train, but we plan moving to palo alto shortly, that's why im giving myself a little bit of head start for the topic :)

    Maybe some cool technical guides, presentations of features etc.

    Cisco has some cool documents and pdfs on their stuff which they present on cisco live (THE cisco event)

    Kind regards

    submitted by /u/mausbert
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    HP StorageWorks 8/24 SAN Switch Part 2

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:50 AM PST

    I'm trying to use this switch in conjunction with a CCENT tutorial but it seems like on Cisco switches, once you log in, you are automatically put into privileged exec mode. On the switch I'm playing with, that doesn't seem to be the case.

    I googled around to try and find how to get into this mode on this switch and its OS but I can't find anything that works.

    The switch is running Fabric OS 7.2.1d and I have tried cmsh and also a sys command my friend suggested but neither got me into the higher modes. Any one have any ideas?

    I have tried with being logged in as admin and also root and I've also typed in help and didn't see anything. I also read using a "?" should yield results, but that only seems to in the preboot area.

    Also I'm connected through Putty and using a USB Console Cable.


    submitted by /u/coolestguy1234
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    Wireless Selection Scorecard

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:19 AM PST

    The company I work for is getting ready to visit a couple different wireless vendors to talk through a wireless refresh we are getting ready to start. I'm wondering if anyone has gone through anything similar and has a "scorecard" template that they would be willing to share.

    We are looking to create the scoring so we have a bit of evidence on when we make our decision. We know this will need to be tailored for our specific needs, just looking for a base to start.


    submitted by /u/neonlurch
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    pvlan questions

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 08:06 AM PST

    I work for a small managed hosting company that colocates servers. We have three racks there, and connectivity managed by the datacentre. They present a couple of uplink ports plugged into one of the rack switches. The other two rack switches are connected to this. The switches are Juniper EX4200's.

    Right now, everything is a fairly flat network, with one large broadcast domain. Each port with a server connected is configured as trunk port, with a native (i.e. untagged) vlan for normal traffic, and another VLAN for ipmi.

    The problem is that this doesn't provide much isolation between customers. Whilst we are a managed provider and don't tend to give many customers root access, this is still a concern.

    We'd like to move to a setup that uses PVLAN in order to provide isolation between servers. In this setup we'd have:

    - the Uplink ports (and inter-switch links) as promiscuous ports

    - Most servers on an isolated secondary VLAN

    - Some servers (hypervisors for our Cloud platform) in a community secondary vlan.

    There are a couple of things I'm not sure about, however:

    - Some customer servers connect to each other via their public IP address for file synchronisation and such. We'd like to keep these in an isolated vlan if possible. How would this communication work? (would it?)

    - How would we retain IPMI access on a separate vlan? We use space for this and only machines configured with access to the IPMI vlan can reach it.

    Grateful for any assistance you can provide!

    submitted by /u/Hopeful-Initiative
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    Dear FS optics, we're breaking up

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 04:28 PM PST

    Dear FS SFP-10G-BX 1270/1330 10km,

    I am sorry to inform you that this last outage was the last straw, I think we should see other people. The first two outages you caused I wrote off as pure unlucky coincidences. Even the third outage when an entire switch chip you were plugged into got fried and the switch TAC put all the blame on you, I still defended you due to your sister's, SFP-GE-BX 1310/1550 20km, proven reliability and wide spread use in the network. However, after tonight's skyrocket in symbol errors and FCS counters on an aggregation switch, we must part ways.

    It has been fun and I wish you all the luck in other networks.



    P.S - Please don't make your sister choose sides, I am already replacing enough optics :)


    This FS optic did not cause a complete link failure. Traffic was still passing over this link, just at about 25% normal capacity. Symbol errors are layer 1 decoding misses, even with redundancy built in, traffic would have still been impacted greatly.

    submitted by /u/Majestic-Falcon
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    Does anyone have an idea of when SpaceX Starlink broadband services will be available for purchase?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 10:06 AM PST

    I know they said from early 2020 but that is vague and with no initial coverage maps published that I can see.

    submitted by /u/OkNothing4
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    Migrating MPLS phased approach?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 07:54 AM PST

    Just looking for quick and high-level suggestions/advice, I can do the leg work of figuring things out from there.

    Helping out a friend with migrating MPLS providers, while keeping the network functional as there are multiple branch locations that will be cut over individually.

    What is the (I guess) easy/cleanest way to get this done? We plan to do the data center leg first where all of the branches come to for services while migrating the sites we will keep both MPLS links connected for new and old. BGP is connecting the MPLS network, redistributing EIGRP from the internal side.

    Attached is the most basic high-level diagram, If more info is needed I can provide

    Is it just a matter of configuring a separate BGP process for the new Provider and redistributing EIGRP to it, and the routing table will handle having both MPLS networks in its table and route traffic accordingly?


    Just seeking advice for the "easy" way to do this. Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/neo_geek_guy
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    What Network Flow analysis tool do you recommend

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 11:33 AM PST

    I am shopping for a traffic flow analyzer tool that does the following:

    - can identify a flow session by time session started, source IP, destination IP,

    - how long the flow session was up and how much data was transferred in that period,

    - filter/search based on the source and destination IP.

    - the speed of the transfer

    We can't use Solarwinds cos we are a linux only network environment. I was thinking splunk or elasticsearch but the learning curve for my team, so i am looking for something with a web GUI that is easy to use/understand. a tool that can also create reports/charts/graphs with the flow information that even a layman can understand.

    any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/nok4us
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    RADIUS proxy and RADIUS setup help

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 02:46 PM PST

    Not sure if this is the proper place to ask but I'm having issues with setting up a radius proxy, can anyone provide a picture of how a proxy and radius server should look ? Or a book to buy or good guide ....

    Currently I have the proxy set to forward to the radius server but I'm not sure how the radius server should look to see an incoming connection from the proxy ....

    Do I need to add the proxy to the radius client list and have both a connection request and network policy made on the radius server

    PS this is way over my head or maybe I'm just overthinking it .

    submitted by /u/Redman8509
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    Cisco AireOS WLC: When could it be worth to go with 8.10?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 03:56 AM PST


    We've finally migrated from a single WLC 2504 to a 3504 (soon to be in HA mode with a second 3504) end of last year. (Unfortunately the decision to go with 3504 was made just months before the IOS-XE based new WLCs were released)

    I'm currently runing AireOS 8.5.160 with 1850i's (in local mode, so 8.5.160 is OK, no FlexConnect) and have checked out Ciscos's "TAC Recommended AireOS Builds" where 8.5 is still *the* recommended base version. However 8.10 brings WPA3 support and has some other nice additions, yet I hear that there are usually valid reasons as to why one should not run the bleeding edge release branch unless there are valid reasons to do so.

    I've been tossed into Cisco WLCs end of last years so I don't have longterm experience with Cisco WLCs to judge how reliable Cisco's release process is on AireOS. When do you people usually upgrade to a newer release branch and how have the experiences been on AireOS 8.10 so far for those who are already using it?

    submitted by /u/tar-xz
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    Cat 9800 and Umbrella integration

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 04:56 AM PST

    We've had our shiny new Cat 9800 wireless controllers humming along for close to a year now. We're dipping our toes into integrating Cisco umbrella across our network for yet another layer of protection.

    We have a few wireless networks that we'd like to apply specific Umbrella policies to and according to the umbrella wlc integration guide this looks like a great way to accomplish this if I had an older WLC.

    Referencing the official Cat 9800 setup docs and the command reference, I can only find information on a global parameter map and nothing for individual wlans/vlans/etc.

    Does anyone have any insight on further configuration? Is the 9800 integration just not completely baked? I figured I'd test the waters here while I'm waiting on my support channels.

    I've got a call into our local SE to see what he could come up with. I'll post back with what we find.

    Edit: Not looking good, tried some of the commands from the docs for other IOS XE 16.10.x devices.

    WLC(config)#interface vlan 217

    WLC(config-if)#umbrella in TAGHERE

    Umbrella interface config not allowed on this platform

    submitted by /u/ITmercinary
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    Can someone explain to me if my assumption of captive portals is right?

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 11:32 AM PST

    So, as far as i know, Captive Portals work through DNS poisoning by redirecting all http requests from unauthorized MACs to a certain site. If that is right, i thought, isnt DNG poisoning generally illegal? I always thought all kinds of spoofing (ARP, DNS etc...) is against the law, so thats just an assumption

    submitted by /u/FlyingThunder2992
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    How do you test bandwidth over an MPLS link at a large enterprise

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 07:12 AM PST

    I have lots of users complaining about speeds, and to be fair a lot of locations we have are running T1 connections. but they run a speed test and they will get .23 mbps. we all know a speedtest.net is not the most legitimate way to test network bandwidth. we run Cisco every where. i know i could install an agent on their computer and run the test that way. but is there a way to really test bandwidth at a remote location without involving the end users?

    submitted by /u/angell54
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    Cisco Content Services Switch (CSS11501) --> F5 concepts

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 07:11 AM PST

    I know CSS is ancient and long since EOL/EOS but unfortunately, I am tasked with migrating 2 production boxes to an F5 infrastructure.

    Trying to figure out the equivalent concepts for groups, content and services. i.e. group=virtual server, content=iRule, services=POOL. Anyone know if this is correct?

    I know they might not line up exactly but close enough is good too.

    submitted by /u/FritzGman
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    Rancid Unable to login - Telnet

    Posted: 17 Jan 2020 01:36 AM PST

    I installed rancid on CentOS 8, and i'm trying to backup TP-Link TL-SG3424P switch

    From terminal all works fine:


    #Asked for username/password

    Typed pass and i'm in


    show running

    .cloginrc file

    add method telnet

    add user username

    add password userpass enablepass

    add autoenable 0

    and getting error

    clogin error: Error: Couldn't login:

    How to specify enable password in .cloginrc file ?

    ssh requires uploading private keys and it requires switch reboot (according to manual), that's why i tried telnet

    Although i specified telnet, it still tries to use ssh:

    [rancid@](mailto:rancid@'s password:

    Permission denied, please try again.

    [rancid@](mailto:rancid@'s password:

    Error: Check your passwd for

    submitted by /u/dragan979
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