• Breaking News


    Thursday, August 16, 2018

    Contract work for someone whos never done any Networking

    Contract work for someone whos never done any Networking

    Contract work for someone whos never done any

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 08:14 AM PDT

    Looking for new job, Im getting tones of hits on contract work of various lengths and contract-to-hire; but very little full time hits. So starting to think of taking something on.

    What gotchas and things to know should I know, so I dont make a critical error and screw myself over?

    submitted by /u/triangleredditor
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    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 03:17 PM PDT

    We have two 3850 stacks each with two WS-C3850-24P-E switches. A couple of weeks ago we upgraded the firmware from 3.7.4E to 3.6.8E, as specifically advised by Cisco TAC, to resolve a bug with interface output counters (https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCvb65304).

    After reloading we noticed a couple of problems:

    1. sap pmk mode-list only allowed "no-encap" and not "gcm-encrypt" (MACSec).
    2. The SFP interfaces were down and couldn't be brought back up. Saw below errors in the logs:%PLATFORM_PM-6-MODULE_ERRDISABLE: The inserted SFP module with interface name Te1/1/4 is not supported%PM-4-ERR_DISABLE: gbic-invalid error detected on Te1/1/4, putting Te1/1/4 in err-disable state

    The Cisco TAC engineer on WebEx at the time suggested the below, which didn't make any difference:

    1. 3850(config)# no errdisable detect cause gbic-invalid
    2. 3850(config)# service unsupported-transceiver
    3. Remove SFP module, shutdown/no shutdown the port, insert back the SFP module.

    Despite explaining at the time and in many emails since that these errors were occurring AFTER reloading (to the same engineer that was on the WebEx), they keep referring to a bug (https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCud82475) which is specifically about seeing errors DURING the switch reload. After two weeks I've just asked for the SR to be escalated to another TAC engineer.

    This upgrade was at the end of two 18-hour days and two days of network issues so we didn't have the time to read any release notes etc (which I'm struggling to find for the specific version anyway). The actual issue ended up being a bug with offloading on our PA-3220s, but we still want to update to a 3850 firmware that doesn't have the output errors bug and something more recent.

    Questions for r/networking:

    1. Has anyone had any experience with the invalid/unsupported SFP issue on 3850s on 3.6.4? (I couldn't find anything online specific to that version that didn't look like a different issue).
    2. What is everybody's thoughts on the Denali 16.x train? Should we be looking at upgrading to it? I've read somewhere that the future is 16.x.
    3. Have I just been unlucky with Cisco TAC support on this case or is this a usual occurrence? We raised another TAC case and got really good, immediate support.

    Edit: Posting from work while everyone wants to talk to me, please excuse poor title and any lack of details/poor questions :)

    submitted by /u/Intravix
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    XR | XC Local Switching

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 04:56 AM PDT

    HI Guys,

    Just want to ask your input about this, Is it require to match the same MTU for local switching in XR?

    I configured below scenario and its currently up and working even MTU doesnt match. Ex

    XR-R1#int g0/0

    mtu 9000

    XR-R1# inteface g0/0.10

    mtu 9014


    encapsulation dot1q 100

    rewrite ingress tag pop 1 symmetric

    XR-R1# inteface g1/1


    mtu 9014


    #sh l2vpn xcon


    Test LocalSW UP Gi0/0.19 UP Gi1/1 UP



    AC: GigabitEthernet0/0.10, state is up

    Type VLAN; Num Ranges: 1

    VLAN ranges: [100, 100]

    MTU 8996; XC ID 0x80009; interworking none

    AC: GigabitEthernet1/1, state is up

    Type Ethernet

    MTU 9000; XC ID 0x80008; interworking none

    XC shows that it is up.

    for g0/0.10 will subtract 14bytes for l2mtu and 4bytes for tag equls 8996. While on g1/1 will only subtract l2mtu cause there no encapsulation.

    So if packet will arrive on G0/0.12 the allow MTU will be 8896. and the MTU that will be transmitted into G1/1 is same 8996.

    Thank you for your inputs.

    submitted by /u/1searching
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    Best used switches to get some exposure

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 02:48 PM PDT

    Hi Networking,

    I pretty much only work with Cisco network equipment with the exception of some very old dell powerconnect switches. I'd like to check out HP/Juniper networking gear to see how the OS's work and just get a feel for them. I'm a homelab, I like to touch it kinda guy, so I started looking on Ebay for some used equipment I can play with. A lot of the stuff I came across seemed somewhat old. From the old Dell/HP equipment I've dealt with the CLI is very different from what I would get on a new switch so I want to make sure I get something that would have or could be upgraded to a somewhat current CLI.

    Can someone help me out on some models that would meet that goal? Also not looking to spend a huge amount of money on this.

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/WhereHasTheSenseGone
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    BGP Communities to influence default route selection

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 12:50 AM PDT

    Has anyone done multiple default route advertisement via bgp using extended BGP communities to influence where each remote site routes? Reason being we have a couple of DC sites with internet connections that we want to route certain sites to each (Dependant on location)

    The MPLS provider has said we could use a extended community for each site and then advertise out each community with the default route from each DC, and failover if the other isn't available.

    Just trying to work out what that would look like from a config perspective? Want to advertise each main DCs subnets out in addition to influencing the default route fore remote WAN sites.

    ISP Router

    router bgp 65500

    address-family ipv4 vrf ft-160

    network mask

    neighbor remote-as 65510

    neighbor description Y00x

    neighbor activate

    neighbor send-community both

    neighbor timers 10 30

    maximum-prefix 1000 90 restart 5

    Local Router


    ip address

    router bgp 65510

    network mask

    neighbor remote-as 65500

    neighbor timers 10 30

    neighbor send-community both

    submitted by /u/bigell1993
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    Aryaka wanop + dual L2 network

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 07:36 AM PDT

    Anyone ever use aryaka? Im looking at it for replacing my riverbeds on my global network but they have an entire private network in place as well. They say they can replace my mpls and still give me qos and stabile latency.

    submitted by /u/Jmrol411
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    What does AWS use for NAT?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 09:30 AM PDT

    might be a noob question here but what does AWS (and others at their scale) use for NAT?

    E.g. i deploy a VM on AWS and it comes with a private IP on eth0

    But i can SSH to my VM using a public IP that AWS provides.... so what are they using to do that NATing? I'm assuming they have some "secret sauce" devices to handle their scale... anyone know?

    submitted by /u/blah1e41ruf01n
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    Struggling to get structured XML output from network devices

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 01:01 PM PDT

    I have been working with NETCONF for most of the day, and despite my most sincere efforts I cannot seem to get a simple show command to work. I have started working with ncclient which is a python library for NETCONF.

    I have been trying to connect to a Cisco CMTS (CBR8) running IOS-XE, with unfortunately does not seem to support the newest iteration of Cisco's API, just the old NETCONF. (Frustrating!)

    m = manager.connect(host='', port=22, username='admin', password='admin', hostkey_verify=False, device_params={'name':'iosxe'}) >>> for c in m.server_capabilities: ... print c ... urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:url:1.0 urn:cisco:params:netconf:capability:pi-data-model:1.0 urn:ietf:params:netconf:base:1.0 urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:startup:1.0 urn:cisco:params:netconf:capability:notification:1.0 urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:writeable-running:1.0 >>> c = m.dispatch('show inventory') Traceback (most recent call last): <removed for brevity> ValueError: Invalid tag name u'show inventory' 

    I am not sure what I should be doing here I have been googling for an hour and I am just not putting it together.

    Do you guys have any better strategies for this? I am determined not to resort to screen scrapes and ugly regex in 2018. 'tis the era of the API surely there is something better!!

    submitted by /u/LDRSHICMS
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    How to take down your whole network...

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 12:50 PM PDT

    Okay so I made a little mistake today. I was ending off a network cable to go from a switch in our server room to one switch at the other end of the building. We have a stack of 3 layer 3 Cisco switches in the server room. I changed port 3 on switch 1 to a trunk port but me being me plugged the layer 2 switch at the other end of the building into switch 2 which was only set up as an access port. This wiped out almost every switch on the network (apart from the Cisco Meraki ones).

    Am I right in thinking I caused a network/switching loop?

    submitted by /u/Grafiqal
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    Networking Scripting Mentoring

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 12:43 AM PDT

    I'd like to find someone who can provide insight on writing networking-specific Python code that others can maintain. Maybe it sounds easy, but as someone who's been writing "scripts" and not "software", I have no experience with stuff like object-oriented programming (not just using objects, but writing them and creating them) or other software development best practices. I'd love to find someone who's had to tackle these challenges and can talk about their experiences.

    Advance Edit: I'm going to be going to bed in the next hour or so, so don't be offended if I don't upvote or reply to you comment immediately.I have to sleep some time.

    submitted by /u/CiscoJunkie
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    Data center networking

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 12:27 PM PDT

    I have one high-level question that's bugging me, apart from that I would like recommendations of a good resource on DC architecture.

    How is internet connectivity in a DC provided? A loose understanding I have is the DC provides you with the IP space you purchase and connectivity to their equipment which is multi-homed to several ISPs. Most of my experience is enterprise campus, where we either peer directly with an ISP(s) or have standard business circuits or leased lines.

    submitted by /u/tylervalo
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    I'm stumped. What does this prefix-list accomplish?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 12:24 PM PDT

    Applied to a Cisco ASR 1004. is out internet provider. We have four internet facing routers and they all have the same prefix-list applied. Can't figure out what it actually does.

    ip prefix-list CLASSA-ONLY seq 5 permit le 8

    ip prefix-list CLASSA-ONLY seq 10 permit le 12

    ip prefix-list CLASSA-ONLY seq 20 permit le 14

    router bgp 65000

    address-family ipv4

    neighbor prefix-list CLASSA-ONLY in

    submitted by /u/RoutingPackets
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    PIM-SM (junos) - Need help configuring

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 12:05 PM PDT

    Take a look at the following quickly drawn diagram

    I am trying to achieve that the "multicast receiver" (on vlan51) with IP address can subscribe to mcast group

    I have successfully initated PIM-SM between R1 and R2 on my juniper switches and they see each other as neighbors.

    In this diagram, who is the RP? I believe the RP should be R1 in this case (but correct me if I am wrong). Which IP address should I use for the RP? The multicast-sender facing interface or the R2 facing interface?

    submitted by /u/barhom
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    Lack of routing

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 07:39 AM PDT

    This has been driving me nuts, because I can't work out what the problem is


    Router will stop passing traffic to the WAN apparently at random. Sometimes when it's busy, sometimes when it's quiet. A reload of the router will get it back up and running. Pings to from the router stop working - no traffic passes through out to the internet. LAN side is fine and behaves normally

    Diagnosis so far

    The original router was an 881 - and I thought it was falling over because of too many NAT sessions etc. It was under specced - so has been replaced with a 1921 ((C1900-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.6(2)T1, REL ).

    The drop in WAN connection is less often now but still happening.

    We have another way to reach the router when the WAN is down. I checked earlier today and it shows the GE0/0 as being administratively and physically up even though I can't reach my next hop. (the .93 ip address)

    The config (redacted) is here: https://pastebin.com/nS0dS2Kv

    Public IP addresses: have had the first three octets amended - but the subnets are still valid.

    Routing table (redacted) is here: https://pastebin.com/taSVKu33

    So - I think it's one of four things

    a. the not-managed-by-us next hop (the Juniper) is wobbling, but seeing the interface go down and come back up when we reboot the Cisco is getting it to behave.

    b. There's something inherently poor in the way I've built my config that is placing undue load onto the Cisco and causing it to fail.

    c. The variably subnetted (/30 and /32) element to reach my next hop is causing an issue that isn't consistent.

    d. Something else

    Suggestions very welcome...

    submitted by /u/ivantsp
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    Can I push a native 100G DWDM wave through a passive multiplexer?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 11:06 AM PDT

    We're currently feeding some smaller sites with 4-channel passive multiplexers since we haven't deployed active ROADM everywhere yet. Presently, these sites are fed with 3x10G DWDM waves over these 4-channel muxes. We'd like to upgrade to native 100G but we may be limited to what the mux can do. Ideally, we'd stand up the 100G wave alongside the existing 3x10G before tearing them down. My question is, if I shoot a 100G DWDM optic over that 4th channel, will it work? Will there be too much insertion loss with the existing 3 channels?

    submitted by /u/DCJodon
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    Juniper Optimal Route Reflection

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 10:25 AM PDT


    We're trying to evaluate the Juniper Virtual Route Reflector and make use of the new features that Optimal Route Reflection affords, however as configured by Junipers examples, the router is not adjusting the metric to factor in the IGP cost as expected. Curious if this is something others have seen, or if ORR is not quite there yet in general.

    EDIT: since theres going to be that one guy that somehow thinks its configured wrong, here is an example:

    group iBGPv4 { type internal; local-address; cluster; optimal-route-reflection { igp-primary; } neighbor; } james@rr1> show route inet.0: 573624 destinations, 1615236 routes (573623 active, 0 holddown, 1 hidden) + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both *[OSPF/10] 15:15:15, metric 221 > to via em1.0 ## This is another router in the iBGP mesh, separate peer group with ORR settings but same cluster. james@rr1> show route advertising-protocol bgp Prefix Nexthop MED Lclpref AS path * X.X.42.41 50 1299 3356 I 

    I would think MED would be 221 or..something thats not 0 :)


    submitted by /u/jizaymes
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    ELI5 -- GVRP

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 10:15 AM PDT

    Ok, maybe not really ELI5. I have a pretty good understanding of networking, but limited to smallish businesses. I work for an MSP, and one of my customers has an "IT guy" that tries to fix things himself before calling us pretty often. I've tried to talk to them about this practice, but to no avail. They keep paying us to fix stuff "IT guy" breaks, so it's all good.

    Long story short, internal network is default VLAN 1, and Guest WiFi is VLAN 20. IT guy decides to turn on STP on all switches (HP/Aruba, if that's relevant), then later calls in a ticket that the guest wifi doesn't work. STP apparently enabled GVRP on VLAN 20 and overwrote the existing VLAN config. I have never worked with GVRP before, so my best solution at the time was to disable GVRP and statically assign VLAN 20 to the AP switch ports to restore service as it was before.

    Is GVRP useful at all in a scenario like this? I briefly read up on it, but it doesn't sound like I'd ever need it in a SMB environment. Honestly I've never even had much use for spanning tree other than enabling redundant paths in a couple environments.

    submitted by /u/zack2491
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    DHCP Relay through ASA Subinterface with multiple VLANs

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 10:00 AM PDT

    Hello, I cant quite figure this one out, I have to enabled dhcp on a vlan, we will call it vlan 20. It is on an access switch, going to our fabric/leaf node, which trunks everything to an internal ASA, dhcp relay is configured on the internal ASA, and it has a subinterface that takes all connections from the leaf node into a subinterface, 2.20, problem is that trunk connection has multiple vlans on it, and I don't want all traffic in there to be using the dhcp relay, is that possible? thanks.

    submitted by /u/phoenixdon
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    Template for escalations to your team?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 09:41 AM PDT

    Hey /r/networking -

    Our company is working on putting escalation / ticket transfer procedures in place (bout ... F'ing ... time...). We've been tasked with putting together a template that our internal help desk needs to fill out before sending tickets our way.

    I wanted to see some input from others out there if you'd be willing to share, so I can tailor one for our company. Anyone that uses this have any examples they'd be able to share?

    submitted by /u/rushaz
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    Connecting remote sites with VPLS or L2 VPN from ISP?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 09:27 AM PDT

    I'm thinking of connecting our remote sites to our 2 DCs with an ISPs VPLS service. I'm thinking of getting the same VPLS service to all our remote locations (30 or so), in this way the remote site's router could run OSPF with each other and the DC routers. Any downsides to this? Comparing to L2VPNs where I would have a MPLS connection to the remote site with two VLANs, one to each DC

    VPLS service supports VLAN tags too so I could divide the service to smaller blocks or even go down to 2 hosts per VLAN.

    Thanks for any ideas!

    submitted by /u/PublicSectorJohnDoe
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    Creating a mDNS Gateway / Bonjour Gateway

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 09:00 AM PDT

    Creating a mDNS Gateway / Bonjour Gateway

    We have a standard campus network L3 SVI's sit on the dists for each site. Currently we have our WLC sitting on Dist1. Each Dist has separate vlans. On dist1 we have Vlan 10 (wireless devices) and Vlan 354 (Apple TV's). Our problem is we are putting apple TV's on dist2 and 3 and are unable to trunk those vlans to the cisco WLC allowing them to be on the mDNS "gateway/domain". Which will allow wireless devices to use screen mirroring with them. Is there something we can configure on our Cisco core as a gateway inside the SVI or globally? We are all cisco BTW

    Core -->L3--> Dist1-->L2--> ACCESS --> apple TV or other screen share devices

    | | --->L2--> CISCO WLC (currently using as mDNS(bonjour Gateway)

    |------->L3--> Dist2-->L2-->ACCESS --> apple TV or other screen share devices

    submitted by /u/Goosej13
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    Unable to delete files on shared network drives

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 01:58 PM PDT

    Ever since I've introduced Active Directory to our network there has been some issues regarding specific files created on some of our network drives that state that the file is in use.

    As a temporary fix I've had users contact me with files that need to be removed and I could force close the files on the server through computer management but obviously this is not a solution.

    The file type that seems to be the problem is a .JT, a 3D model file.

    The users will work on it, save the file, and close the program. View open files on the server it still shows the users has it open.

    I want to be able to blame the program and file type but since this only started up since the introduction to Active Directory I'm wondering if there is any potential relation or if it's just pure coincidence.

    What I've done is turned off thumbnails for network drives and applied the policies. The users have the correct permissions as they can manage other file types without issue and I can't delete the problem files unless I force close the files.

    Is there any other policies that may potentially keep these files open in the program (Teamcenter Visualization Mockup11.3) that is caused by Active Directory or does anyone have knowledge of the program and file extension and know a solution to it?

    submitted by /u/Dynarc
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    EIGRP distribute-list & Topology Table

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 07:53 AM PDT

    I haven't been able to find the answer to this with some googling and looking in my old CCNP route book. Trying to use a prefix list with the distribute list command to only redistribute the default route from EIGRP into the neighboring L3 switches. I want to make sure I know what's going out before I form the neighborship and there doesn't seem to be any command equal to the show bgp advertised routes command. So, here are my questions:

    Is there any EIGRP command that shows you what routes will be advertised to a neighbor? I haven't found it so it doesn't look like there is.

    If I apply a distribute list with a prefix list inbound, will the routes that are supposed to be filtered out show up in the topology table of that device? I'd assume they shouldn't.

    Same question but now outbound. I'd think these might show up in the topology table but be filtered once they hit the interface outbound.

    I'm doing "redistribute static" but then applying a prefix list to permit & the implicit deny at the end. I've tried applying both inbound and outbound but the static routes show up in the topology table either way.

    EDIT - Here is the config. Right now, this is just on a lab switch with no neighbors. I originally wanted to filter the routes going out of it but in this iteration, I'm filtering routes in (I assume in from the main routing table). Either way, with the below, I'm still getting all static routes in the topology table.

    ip prefix-list 65111_campus_out description *Route filter to campus-core* ip prefix-list 65111_campus_out seq 10 permit router eigrp 65111 distribute-list prefix 65111_campus_out in network redistribute static passive-interface default no passive-interface Vlan5 eigrp stub connected summary 
    submitted by /u/ssherman68
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    Hitachi GPON assist?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2018 07:03 AM PDT

    Good morning Networkers! Have an aging Hitachi GPON FTTH setup out in the field that I would like some help on.

    We're working on the voice side of these things, currently H248, and looking at going to SIP. When the SIP profile is engaged, with all settings looking correct, the ONT emits zero SIP packets; data still flows OK, but it does not generate /any/ SIP packets at all, or at least that we can detect.

    Anybody out there have some Hitachi ONT experience? It's a longshot, I know -- we're trying to get AMN1220's to do our bidding and it isn't going quite as planned. Please post here or DM, either way is great! Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/BitRancher
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