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    Tuesday, January 9, 2018

    Using Android Fragments in 2018 – Inloop – Medium Android Dev

    Using Android Fragments in 2018 – Inloop – Medium Android Dev

    Using Android Fragments in 2018 – Inloop – Medium

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 05:00 AM PST

    I created a simple indefinite pager indicator library for ViewPagers & RecyclerViews. Would love your feedback!

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 06:35 AM PST

    I just released my first ever android game!Feedback is much appreciated

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 02:44 PM PST

    Hi /r/AndroidDev! Yesterday I released my first ever mobile game, called Clear the Way, and I wanted to share it with this community to get some much-needed feedback.

    You can download it here.

    It's a fairly retro-style arcade game, but I tried to give it the same, simple retro fun that you get out of those kinds of games. Fairly simply, you drive a snowplough, and have to clear the road of snow, dodging fallen trees, keeping yourself fueled, and surviving the harsh winter nights. All while getting faster and faster.

    Please, do try it out - I'm really in need of some feedback, and aware that it can be expanded some more.

    Anyway, thanks for reading if you have. If you do enjoy it, a rating is very much appreciated :)

    (Mods, I hope this fits the self-promotion guidelines. If it doesn't, please send me a PM.)

    submitted by /u/JThistl3
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    Easy working with RecyclerView (part 2)

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 06:34 AM PST

    VideoChatGuru library - open-source video chat solution based on a WebRTC implementation, written in Kotlin.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 03:45 AM PST

    Macbook Air for Android development

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 04:13 PM PST

    Let's say a MacBook Air 2015 13.3" i5 1.6GHz 8GB is it good for Android Studio development?

    submitted by /u/instagib1
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    Enabling ProGuard in an Android Instant App – Google Developers

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 09:56 AM PST

    Should I do some practice projects or go straight into my app idea and ask questions along the way?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 11:53 AM PST

    I have an idea for an app I would like create and have worked with other various programming languages before as well as making interfaces as a web designer but I've never actually taken a stab at app development. Would it be beneficial to get some practice or can I go straight to my project of interest?

    Where should I begin and what do I need to know before I get myself into trouble?

    submitted by /u/Reddit_Account_C-137
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    Is it worth to start learning Unity for mobile?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 03:38 PM PST

    I was thinking about start making games for Android. I saw few nice-looking Unity games. Is it worth? Or maybe another, easier to code / better looking engine? Maybe little tips?

    submitted by /u/Eddie_The_White_Bear
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    Question regarding my cross platform apps?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 03:29 PM PST

    Hello /r/androiddev.

    Today, I come to you asking a question about my 2 web and mobile app hybrids. You see, currently I am making 2 social network borderline-utility apps, and with them both I want to use a CAS (Central authentication service) and OAuth (for adding our CAS to future apps we make and maybe paying 3rd party to use our account system in exchange for various things) to let 1 account access them both, so I can keep track of my general users more easily. Since I expect to have bulk data from both if successful, I want to be able to collect and sell user data to market products. For this to happen, I want our database to have an easy data collection and selling script to make our datamining easier. I also would like our 2 apps to have their own multiayered account system for users and admins, with admins having escalated permissions (including deleting posts, editing posts, ban user, chat logs, updating app, etc) in the apps. I also want a general admin panel where both app settings, database info, user information, chat logs from both apps, etc can be accessed from one place. I also want to give users the right to change their settings for one app in that app's settings page, but also give them a dashboard suite to edit all settings from both apps when not in those apps, as well as changing the settings of 3rd party apps that agreed to our OAuth (see above)

    Any pointers for these tasks? I would love a steer in the right direction, be it API's, backends, frameworks, services, coding tutorials, etc. Any help in general is appreciated!


    submitted by /u/hazeust
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    Gradle Scripts for Kotlin Lovers

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 12:34 AM PST

    Different ways of uploading small files (10kB) online.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 08:12 AM PST

    Long story short, i am building an app where the users create a file (around 10kB) and upload it online. What i need is a place online where the files from all users will be uploaded so that i can access them. Apart from an online server and/or amazon or azure web services what choices do i have and how can i implement them ? It needs to be free (preferably) and not too complex. Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/tremete
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    Vector illustration basics for Android developers — Part 2: Strokes and paths

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 01:22 PM PST

    What's your Android Studio window setup?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 09:12 AM PST

    I tend to have the terminal at the top, a split pane under it, and the file manager on the left.

    submitted by /u/Hippochomp
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    Third-Party Android Wear Emulator

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 12:27 PM PST

    Unfortunately, I use AMD on my desktop and cannot afford to replace it at this time. Laptop takes 15 mins to build a simple project, so it's not a feasible alternative. I've gotten around this by using real devices for testing instead of emulators. It works well, and either I'm crazy or the USB C cable vastly improves the installation time. For phones, I prefer real device over emulator.

    When it comes to Wear, however, the installation times are incredibly slow. I have an LG G watch, and actually will be receiving my upgrade of a Zen watch 3 today. So, if I kept the old watch, I could test on real devices for both round and square faces. Using real devices is a pain, however, and I rather not keep a watch just for testing purposes. I would like to be able to view on both types of device instead of using something like box inset. So far, I can't find any alternatives. For mobile, there's stuff like Bluestacks and Droid4x. There seems to be no Wear emulators, which makes sense in a way, but isn't exactly helpful. Are there any other work around that any of you use? Any suggestions on improving installation time, or a better alternative?

    submitted by /u/TheMelancholicMan
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    Any Junior Devs willing to share their portfolios?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2018 08:12 PM PST

    It seems to be quite the popular opinion that Junior Devs are expected to have some sort of real-world work to show when trying to secure their first job, but for some of us, all we have are a bunch of sandbox or learning applications which have no real-world value or have been done a thousand times before.

    When browsing through the portfolios of some of the more experienced developers, sometimes it feels overwhelming as their projects look so complex and detailed, and the time it would take to build something similar would take months without any actual pay from an employer.

    Are there any junior devs who are willing to share the portfolios that they used to get hired? Or any experienced developers willing to share what kind of projects they had early on to secure their first jobs?

    submitted by /u/godofnoobz
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    I’m a beginner programmer and I’m wondering if it would be feasible for somebody like me with minor ability to create a resume builder app on mit app inventor. Do you think this is an easy project or would it require a programmer with more experience?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 07:26 AM PST

    All I want the program to do is get the information from the user and then automatically format everything into a nice resume format.

    submitted by /u/The_Laughing_Joke
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    Batch convert vector xml drawables to .pngs for mdpi..xxxhdpi using Canvas api

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 07:02 AM PST

    Play Store not finding app

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 10:04 AM PST


    The app is called Pride Stores & Stations

    When searching for "Pride Stores" on mobile, the app does not show in the play store. When searching for "pridestores" it shows up right at the top. Any ideas on what could be wrong?

    submitted by /u/Homelessbrian
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    Looking for feedback

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 08:42 AM PST

    Hi guys I'm someone who's new to Android Development (courtesy of Udacity). I've built my first app (a basic clock app) and I'm looking for some feedback. Now I'm well aware of the fact that this won't be the greatest app you'll ever see and it might even have a few bugs. But I'd just like to know how I've done for my first app. Cheers.

    Apk Link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1REDunXdqBUwIBToN_nXgNQgADDDRhgGn/view?usp=drivesdk

    submitted by /u/GauravR31
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    Best way to save/load object values upon app close and reopen?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 07:40 AM PST

    I am trying to better myself in Object-Oriented Programming and am making a game app to sort of learn and sharpen skills.

    In this game, the player recruits 9 heroes and puts them in an arena to fight. There are 3 rounds in each arena battle, where 3 of the heroes are chosen at random to fight against an enemy team of 3 random monsters.

    Before going into the arena the player must recruit each of their 9 heroes, and when each one is recruited it is of a random class (Warrior, mage, etc) with appropriate stats (strength, vitality, etc) generated based on which class the hero is rolled with.

    So I have that part down, everything generates fine with 9 instances of the hero class each with somewhat randomized values. My problem is saving all that. When the app closes and loads everything gets reset and the player has to re-roll each hero. Obviously I want it to load them back as they were.

    Before implementing OOP concepts I would have just had a variable for everything (String hero1Name = "Steve", String hero1Class = "Warrior", int hero1STR = 9) and just stored each of the hundreds of variable in SharedPreferences. That's a lot to do and keep track of, but at least I know it works.

    So my question is how can I do it better? Is there a way to in some way just save each hero object's state with all it's values as is and load them when the app is opened again?

    Any advice or direction will be incredibly appreciated!!

    Edit: SQLiteOpenHelper seems like the solution I will go with. Hopefully I will be able to simply store each hero's values in the table when they are created and read from it as needed. Will post an update with how that goes in case anyone else finds this as useful as I do.

    submitted by /u/Synyster328
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    Uninstalls more than installs

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 06:18 AM PST

    i have Play store dev account and i never experienced this before. recently launched new app and it has more uninstalls than installs (from India). installs from India are 257 and uninstalls are 364. how come?

    (edit) here screenshots

    uninstalls: https://i.imgur.com/nHpf0cO.png

    installs: https://i.imgur.com/5gJCH5U.png

    submitted by /u/loddard
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    Good udemy course to start learning?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2018 02:12 AM PST

    Hey guys, i want to expand my knowledge and learn Android development. I'm currently a reasonably experienced web developer. I don't have any experience with Java (i do with JS obviously).

    Which udemy course would you recommend. I have to pay this out of my own pocket so not to expensive if possible.

    So far i'm eyeing The Complete Android N Developer Course.

    And also Android O & Java - Mobile App Development | Beginning to End since i own an android O device. But i can rollback whenever i want so the android N course wouldn't be a problem if it's a better course

    submitted by /u/_alright_then_
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